Asbestos Abatement

When removal of hazardous materials is required in commercial structures, only licensed professionals are permitted to test and remove such product. In commercial structures, asbestos can be found in floor and ceiling tiles, even old drywall compound. Keating has the resources, capacity and workforce to handle the largest and most elaborate projects, such as McKellar Hospital and Port Arthur General Hospital removals.

Extensive set up is required with containment of the entire area, full-on negative air and shower in/shower out procedures for workers. It involves well trained, safety-minded and MTCU certification for both removal and disposal of Types I, II and III hazardous materials. Mobile or in-house testing, Keating has qualified personnel able to identify and test levels of contaminated material.

Some of Our Commercial Projects

Click one of the projects below to learn more about the Project and which services were required during the process.

Thunder Bay Courthouse

Court House

In a place where local policies are discussed and important decisions are made daily, Keating was proud to be given the opportunity to make it